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become a member of PPCD

Join the Fight

Thank you for your interest in PPCD. We are happy to have you; together we are stronger. Just like you, we want to eradicate drowning as the leading cause of accidental death. We want everyone in the nation to be aware and educated on this very important topic, thus saving the lives of many children.


We have connected to form this group because the drowning statistics have not changed in decade. And we are asking ourselves, “WHY?” We believe that we need to connect with parents as parents.

If you would like to be a member, check out the many ways you can partner with us below:


1) Email us: We are interested in connecting with individuals and charities that are committed to supporting the 7 layers of protection mentioned in our mission statement described on the homepage of our website: Our goal is to band together and spread the same message, so it is important that we agree. There is a lot of work that needs to be done.


2) If you would agree with our mission, then please "join" by sending us a head-shot and short bio (a few sentences) about yourself and/or your non-profit so we can add it to our website in the “PPCD Members” section. This section is organized by state. Once you have contacted us, we will add you as a member to our PPCD FB Group. We use this group to communicate with members who want to be further involved in the fight against childhood drowning. 


3) Be a PPCD Ambassador: We feel it is important to have educational products that reflect our values. We have created a drowning prevention pamphlet. As an ambassador of PPCD, we ask that you use these pamphlets in your community to raise awareness.  You may take them to local pediatrician offices, hospitals, Maternal-Child units in hospitals, schools, day cares, apartments, set up a table at a community event,  even give them to homeowner’s insurance agents to give to clients, etc.… We don’t want anyone else to say, “I didn’t know”.  We will soon have available an "ambassador's kit" with a polo shirt, training material, and brochures to pass out. 


4) Writing Internet Articles: If anyone is interested in writing articles for our website and social media, we would love to have you!


5) Long term goals: We desire to bring together as many individuals and groups as we can to make our voice as loud as can be. For example, think of Mothers Against Drunk Driving and the impact they made. Laws have changed for the better and lives have been saved with their agenda. We can have the same impact. Public Service Announcements are also a very important goal in reaching the masses. We want to have air time on television, ads on social media and YouTube, radio, billboards, you name it. We want members to go to their local news stations and share their stories and educate. T-shirts will also soon be available to show our cohesiveness.


6) Fundraising: Unfortunately, in today’s day and age, we cannot accomplish this without the necessary funding. We are fundraising through the site Donate Smarter in which 100% of the money goes to the project and the donation is tax deductible. In the future, we will have additional fundraising events, but we need to get our feet of the ground. We ask, that if you become a member of PPCD, that you set up a Peer2Peer (P2P) donate site. This requires you take make a small donation to PPCD, as little as $1. You can write your story or make a video, telling your friends why this is so important. Or you can simply share our Donate Smarter project page with your friends and encourage them to support. The more we share, the more we can raise. It all adds up!



7) What is your super power? Also, what is your super power? Are you into marketing, social media, or websites. Are you a public speaker? Operate a drowning prevention or child safety pod-cast? Do you participate in research studies supporting survival swim lessons? Do you make safety products, alarms, or fences? Do you have a personal story you feel compelled to share? Do you build pools and want to make sure families are safe? What ideas do you have to reach more parents? We feel that we have all been doing the same thing for many years, yet the statistics have not changed in decades. Let’s change this!

Thank you so much for wanting to be a part of something bigger. We cannot do this without you! We hope to hear from you soon! Please, let us know any questions you may have.


Parents Preventing Childhood Drowning


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